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2 septembre 2012

MSC FLAMINIA : En route pour Jade-Weser-Port a Wilhelmshaven

MSC FLAMINIA_14072012L'histoire ne touche sans doute pas à sa fin mais le premier chapitre est en voie de conclusion. Le transit du cargo MSC Flaminia, en attente au large de l'Angleterre depuis un incendie le 14 juillet et des explosions mortelles, a débuté dimanche dernier à 16h45 en direction de l'Allemagne, a-t-on appris auprès de la préfecture maritime de la Manche et de la Mer du Nord.

Initialement prévu vendredi soir, le départ du cargo de 300 mètres de long et qui transportait 2.876 conteneurs au moment de l'explosion, avait été repoussé pour des raisons techniques liées à son remorqueur, le Fairmount Expedition.

"Le Fairmount Expedition, l'un des remorqueurs composant le convoi assistant le MSC Flaminia, ayant dû ravitailler en carburant et effectuer des changements de personnels samedi 1er septembre, le transit du MSC Flaminia en Manche et mer du Nord a finalement débuté dimanche 2 septembre vers 16h45", a précisé la préfecture dimanche soir dans un communiqué.

Le convoi a quitté sa zone d'attente dans les eaux britanniques, à 40 milles nautiques (environ 75 km) de la pointe anglaise de Penzance.

"Le convoi (...) allant à une allure comprise entre 4 et 5 nouds, devrait se trouver à l'entrée du dispositif de séparation de trafic des Casquets lundi 3 septembre à 13h30 et à l'entrée de celui du Pas de Calais mardi 4 septembre à 14h", a ajouté la préfecture qui note que lors de son transit dans les eaux françaises, "il fera l'objet de la même vigilance que les autres bâtiments naviguant dans cette zone".

Le MSC Flaminia doit être réparé en Allemagne (jade-weser-port-wilhelmshaven) où il est remorqué par le Fairmount Expedition avec l'escorte de deux autres bateaux, les remorqueurs Anglian Sovereign et le Carlo Magno, tous trois opérés par la société néerlandaise spécialisée Smit. Le commandement général allemand des urgences maritimes table sur cinq jours de trajet.

Au terme de semaines de spéculations sur la nature exacte de la marchandise du cargo, qui venait des Etats-Unis, des inspections ont établi la semaine dernière que le navire était en état de remonter la Manche sans risque et que la partie dangereuse de sa cargaison (une quarantaine de tonnes de déchets de PCB) a été détruite dans l'incendie.

A l'heure ou cet article est publié, le navire est au large de Cherbourg et va bientot s'engager dans le détroit du Pas de Calais, l'un des plus fréquentés au monde. Quelques heures plus tard, ce sera la fin de l'acte I de cette fortune de mer aux questions si nombreuses qui n'ont pour la plupart reçu aucune réponse.

Au delà de la théorie du complot sur la nature exacte de la marchandises (auquel semble croire le site Odin.tc) à laquelle nous ne croyons que peu, la vérité étant probablement que les armateurs n'ont qu'une connaissance incomplète de la marchandise qu'ils transportent, le véritable problème posé par cette avarie est l'absence de réaction des Etats Côtiers. Comme nous l'avons déjà écrit sur ce site, les Etats ont demandé à cor et à cri la désignation de ports refuge pour éviter que ne se reproduisent des catastrophes comme celle du Prestige dont on se rappelera qu'elle est essentiellement du à l'absence de courage des autorités espagnoles qui ont voulu à tout prix éloigner le navire plutôt que de l'accueillir dans une baie protégée ou le navire aurait certes pollué, mais sur une étendue moindre ; On connaît le resultat et les centaines de kilomètres de côtes souillées, sans compter les produits toxiques partis par le fond...

MSC FLAMINIA_14072012C'est dans cette optique que le parlement européen avait adopté le paquet "Erika III", transposé rapidement en Droit Français dans le Code des Transports. Dans le cas du MSC FLAMINIA, en refusant l'entrée dans les eaux sous juridiction française, le gouvernement s'est tout bonnement mis à l'abri de l'application de règles qu'il a lui-même souhaité. Ainsi, en exigeant auparavant que le navire soit "safe", et qu'il soit quasiment certain que le navire ne courre plus aucun danger pour donner l'autorisation d'entrer dans les eaux, le gouvernement a complètement trahi l'esprit du port refuge dont l'objet même est d'accueillir des navires en détresse et dont "le pronostic vital est engagé". Si le navire est en bon état, navigable, que sa stabilité est bonne, qu'il n'y a pas de pollution, d'incendie, de voie d'eau, etc...le navire n'a pas besoin d'un port refuge mais d'un port pour réparer et il peut, à priori, accèder à n'importe quel port, comme les autres navires....Les sorties de nos ministres avaient donc quelque chose de ridicule lorsqu'ils exprimaient leur avis sur ce sujet et qui consistait à dire : OK pour accueillir le MSC FLAMINIA, mais à condition qu'il soit en bon état...

Cet exemple du MSC FLAMINIA n'est pas vraiement encourageant car si d'aventure, le cas se reproduisait avec un armateur moins présent, un navire qui menance réellement de sombrer, il faudra plus que quelques communiqués de presse pour justifier une position de refus d'accueil du navire.

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17 août 2012

WILHELM GUSTLOFF : Suite de notre série les "fortunes de mer du passé"

WILHELM GUSTLOFF_Disaster_30-January-1945(1)Après le TITANIC, et comme nous vous l'annoncions, nous publions aujourd'hui une nouvelle fiche consacrée à une "fortune de mer" dont quasiment personne ne connait l'existence, le WILHEM GUSTLOFF. Il s'agit certes plus d'une "fortune de guerre" car elle intervint à la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale en pleine débacle des troupes nazies, mais elle a surtout pour caractéristique d'être probablement à ce jour la plus grande catastophe maritime par le nombre de personnes civiles ayant péri au cours d'un naufrage. Ce sont en effet près de 9 500 personnes qui périrent dans les eaux glacées de la Mer Baltique lors du torpillage de ce paquebot par un sous-marin soviétique dont le Commandant fut décoré pour cet acte héroîque (sic). Celà représente, en pertes humaines, près de six fois celle du TITANIC (1 500 morts et disparus).

Fortune de Mer, Fortune de Guerre, Crime de Guerre, à chacun de juger en lisant l'histoire de ce navire et en naviguant sur les quelques sites internet que nous avons trouvé sur le sujet. La fiche de cette fortune de mer est ici.

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16 août 2012

Naufrage du WILHELM GUSTLOFF le 30 janvier 1945

Summary : The MV Wilhelm Gustloff was a German KdF flagship during 1937–1945, constructed by the Blohm & Voss shipyards. It sank after being torpedoed by the Soviet submarine S-13 on 30 January 1945. The Wilhelm Gustloff′s final voyage was during Operation Hannibal in January 1945, when it was sunk while participating in the evacuation of civilians, military personnel, and Nazi officials who were surrounded by the Red Army in East Prussia. The Gustloff was hit by three torpedoes from the S-13 in the Baltic Sea under the command of Alexander Marinesko on the night of 30 January 1945 and sank in less than 45 minutes. An estimated 9,400 people were killed in the sinking, possibly the largest known loss of life occurring during a single ship sinking in recorded maritime history.


Vessel & Interveners 


1 - IMO NUMBER N/A. Yard number : 511 (Blöhm & Voss) 2- NAME OF SHIP WILHEM JUSTLOFF
3 - Call Sign DJVZ 4 - MMSI N/A
5 - Tonnage Brut

25 484 (GRT)

7 - DWT
8 - Type de navire Passenger Ship 9 - Status of Ship Sunken
9 - Flag Germany 9- Year of build 1937
10 - Propriétaire déclaré German State (Kraft durch Freude) 10-1 Address


11 - Ship Manager

11-1 Address



12 - ISM Manager





13 - Classification Society

14 - P&I


15 - Hull Insurers


16 - Salvors




Location of the casualty






Story (Wikipédia)


The Wilhelm Gustloff was constructed by the Blohm & Voss shipyards. Measuring 208.50 m (684 ft 1 in) long by 23.59 m (77 ft 5 in) wide with a capacity of 25,484 gross register tons, she was launched on 5 May 1937.

The Wilhelm Gustloff was the first purpose-built cruise liner for the German Labour Front (Deutsche Arbeitsfront, DAF) and used by subsidiary organisation Kraft durch Freude (KdF) (Strength Through Joy). Its purposes were to provide recreational and cultural activities for German functionaries and workers, including concerts, cruises, and other holiday trips, and as a public relations tool, to present "a more acceptable image of the Third Reich." She was the flagship of the KdF cruise fleet, last civilian role, until the spring of 1939. From then on, she served the needs of the German military.

During the summer of 1939, she was pressed into service to bring the Condor Legion back from Spain after the victory of the Nationalist forces under General Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War.

From September 1939 to November 1940, she served as a hospital ship, with her official designation being Lazarettschiff D.

Beginning on 20 November 1940, the medical equipment was removed from the ship and it was repainted from the hospital ship colors of white with a green stripe to standard naval grey. As a consequence of the British blockade of the German coastline, she was used as an accommodations ship (barracks) for approximately 1,000 U-boat trainees of the 2nd Submarine Training Division (2. Unterseeboot-Lehrdivision) in the Polish port of (Gdynia) which was occupied by Nazis and renamed to Gotenhafen, located near Gdańsk] The Wilhelm Gustloff sat dockside for over four years, until she was put back in service to transport civilians and military personnel as part of Operation Hannibal.

The ship's final voyage was to evacuate German refugees and military personnel as well as technicians who worked at advanced weapon bases in Baltic from Gdynia, then known to the Germans as Gotenhafen, to Kiel.

The ship's complement and passenger lists cited 6,050 people on board, but this did not include many civilians who boarded the ship without being recorded in the ship's official embarkation records. Heinz Schön, who carried out extensive research into the sinking during the 1980s and 1990s, concluded that the Wilhelm Gustloff was carrying a crew of 173 (naval armed forces auxiliaries), 918 officers, NCOs, and men of the 2. Unterseeboot-Lehrdivision, 373 female naval auxiliary helpers, 162 wounded soldiers, and 8,956 civilians, among them an estimated 4,000 children, for a total of 10,582 passengers and crew.

The ship left Gotenhafen early on 30 January 1945, accompanied by the passenger liner Hansa, also filled with civilians and military personnel, and two torpedo boats. The Hansa and one torpedo boat developed mechanical problems and could not continue, leaving the Wilhelm Gustloff with one torpedo boat escort, the Löwe. The ship had four captains (three civilian and one military) on board, and they could not agree on the best course of action to guard against submarine attacks. Against the advice of the military commander, Lieutenant Commander Wilhelm Zahn (a submariner who argued for a course in shallow waters close to shore and without lights), the senior civilian captain—Friedrich Petersen—decided to head for deep water. When he was informed by a mysterious radio message of an oncoming German minesweeper convoy, he decided to activate his ship's red and green navigation lights so as to avoid a collision in the dark, making the Wilhelm Gustloff easy to spot in the night. The source or authenticity of this radio message was never confirmed and there was no oncoming German minesweeper convoy as it later turned out.

Because the Wilhelm Gustloff had been fitted with anti-aircraft guns it was not marked as a hospital ship, no notification of it operating in a hospital capacity had been given and, as it was transporting combat troops, it did not have any protection as a hospital ship under international accords.

The ship was soon sighted by the Soviet submarine S-13, under the command of Captain Alexander Marinesko, which launched three torpedoes at the Wilhelm Gustloff′s port side about 30 km (16 nmi; 19 mi) offshore between Władysławowo and Łeba soon after 21:00 (CET), hitting it with all three. (Marinesko intended to fire four torpedoes but the fourth misfired and the crew had to disarm it.) The first torpedo (with sign onboard — "For Motherland") struck near the port bow. The second torpedo ("For Soviet people") hit just ahead of midships. The third torpedo ("For Leningrad") struck the engine room in the area below the ship's funnel, cutting off electrical power to the ship. The Gustloff took a light list to port and settled rapidly by the head. The fourth torpedo (disarmed) was named "For Stalin".

In the panic that followed, many of the passengers were trampled in the rush to the lifeboats and life jackets. Some equipment was lost as a result of the panic. The water temperature in the Baltic Sea at this time of year is usually around 4 °C (39 °F); however, this was a particularly cold night, with an air temperature of −18 to −10 °C (-0 to 14 °F) and ice floes covering the surface. Many deaths were caused either directly by the torpedoes or by drowning in the onrushing water. Others were crushed in the initial panic on the stairs and decks, and many jumped into the icy Baltic. But the majority of those who perished succumbed to exposure in the freezing water.

Less than 40 minutes after being struck, the Wilhelm Gustloff was lying on her side and sank bow-first, in 44 m (144 ft) of water. Thousands of people were trapped inside on the promenade deck.

German forces were able to rescue some of the survivors from the attack:torpedo boat T-36 rescued 564 people; torpedo boat Löwe, 472;Minesweeper M387, 98; Minesweeper M375, 43; Minesweeper M341, 37; the steamer Göttingen saved 28; torpedo-recovery boat (Torpedofangboot) TF19, seven; the freighter Gotland, two; and Patrol boat (Vorpostenboot) V1703 was able to save one baby.

All four captains on the Gustloff survived its sinking, but an official naval inquiry was started only against Wilhelm Zahn. His degree of responsibility was never resolved, however, because of Nazi Germany's collapse in 1945.[9]

The figures from the research of Heinz Schön make the total lost in the sinking to be about 9,343 men, women, and children. This would make it the largest loss of life in a single sinking in maritime history.

In an article in the popular magazine Sea Classics, Irwin Kappes mentions that "there were over 6,000 passengers on board." He also states that the escort ship Löwe was alongside within 15 minutes, taking off as many survivors as she could carry, and that when Captain Henigst of the cruiser Admiral Hipper, herself carrying 1,500 evacuees, received reports from her lookouts that she was under torpedo attack, he chose not to stop to pick up survivors. Kappes gives a precise total of those lost in the sinking as 5,348. The source of this information was the German book Die Gustloff Katastrophe written by Heinz Schön, who later revised his original numbers.

Heinz Schön's more recent research is backed up by estimates made by a different method. The Discovery Channel program Unsolved History undertook a computer analysis of the sinking, using software called maritime EXODUS, which estimated 9,400 dead of over 10,600 on board. This analysis considered the passenger density based on witness reports and a simulation of escape routes and survivability with the timeline of the sinking.

Many ships carrying civilians were sunk during the war by both the Allies and Axis.However, based on the latest estimates of passenger numbers and those known to be saved, the Wilhelm Gustloff remains the largest loss of life resulting from the sinking of one vessel in maritime history. Günter Grass, in an interview published in The New York Times on Tuesday 8 April 2003 said, "One of the many reasons I wrote Crabwalk was to take the subject away from the extreme Right...They said the tragedy of the Gustloff was a war crime. It wasn't. It was terrible, but it was a result of war, a terrible result of war."

About 1,000 German naval officers and men, were aboard and died in the sinking of the Gustloff. The women on board the ship at the time of the sinking were inaccurately described by Soviet propaganda as "SS personnel from the German concentration camps".There were however a number of female naval auxiliaries among the passengers.

Noted as "Obstacle No. 73" on Polish navigation charts, and classified as a war grave, Gustloff rests at 55°04′22″N 17°25′17″E, about 30 km (16 nmi; 19 mi) offshore, east of Łeba (17.33E) and west of Władysławowo (18.24E). It is one of the largest shipwrecks on the Baltic Sea floor. In order to protect the property on board the war grave-wreck of the MV Wilhelm Gustloff and to protect the environment the Polish Maritime Office in Gdynia has forbidden diving within a 500 m (1,600 ft) radius of the wreck.

In 2006, a bell recovered from the wreck and subsequently used as decoration in a Polish fish restaurant was lent to a privately funded "Forced Paths" exhibition in Berlin.



1 - Hull & Machinery

25 M Reichmarks (building cost)

2 - Cargo USD 
3 - Salvage USD 0 4 - Costs




Liabilty Limits


1- LLMC 1976 DTS XX 2 -LLMC 1996 DTS XX

3 -CLC PROT 1992

5 - PAL 1974 DTS XXX 6 - PAL PROT 2000 DTS XXX


Cause of the casualty


 Russian Torpedoes. Act of War or War Crime ?. Still difficult to say, even 65 years after.


Sources - Links - Reports


 Wilhelm Gustloff Museum (personal website)

 Article Revue Herodote

 Wikipédia (English)

 Wilhelm Gustloff website

 Wilhem Gustloff website




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15 août 2012

MESSAGERIES MARITIMES - Abordage du LOTUS et du Boz-Court le 2 août 1926

Le principe de compétence universelle s'est appliqué tout d'abord, dans la coutume internationale, aux actes de pirateries en haute mer. Dans les années vingt, la célèbre affaire du Lotus avait constitué un précédent : à la suite d'un abordage survenu en haute mer, un navire français avait été arraisonné par les autorités turques. La Turquie avait jugé et condamné le capitaine français et la Cour permanente de justice internationale, acceptant la compétence du tribunal turc, a énoncé en 1927 une règle fondamentale : pour un exercice légitime de compétence pénale sur son territoire, l'Etat n'a pas besoin d'y être autorisé ou habilité par l'ordre juridique international (arrêt n°9 du 7 septembre 1927, CPJI, affaire du Lotus, France c. Turquie).


MESSAGERIES MARITIMES - LOTUS - Abordage avec le BOZ-COURT le 2 août 1926





 Arrêt de la Cour permanente de justice internationale du 7 septembre 1927




Le 2 août 1926 vers minuit, un navire français, le Lotus, qui naviguait à destination de Constantinople (Istanbul), aborde en haute mer un navire turc, le Boz-Kourt, dans la mer Méditerranée. Ce navire turc, sous l'effet du choc, se brise en deux et sombre. Au cours de l'abordage, huit marins turcs meurent. Le navire français sauve dix marins turcs, puis se rend à Constantinople où il arrive le 3 août. Le 15 août, le capitaine français (M. Demons) du navire est arrêté par les autorités et le 15 septembre il est condamné par les tribunaux turcs en raison des dommages subis par les marins turcs.


Problèmes de droit posés


La France proteste auprès de la Turquie en faisant valoir que le capitaine étant de nationalité française et le navire sous pavillon français, la Turquie ne disposait d'aucun titre de compétence objective pour juger les actes commis. La France considérait que la compétence objective pénale est de nature territoriale et donc ne peut s'exercer à l'égard de faits qui se sont déroulés en dehors de l'État. Le dommage a été causé en haute mer, donc il revient à l'État du pavillon d'exercer la compétence pénale. La Turquie plaidait qu'elle avait compétence objective du fait de la nationalité des victimes.

Cette affaire du Lotus pose deux problèmes :


  1. Quelles sont les compétences de l'État, et comment sont-elles déterminées en droit international ?
  2. Que se passe-t-il lorsque deux États sont concurremment compétents ?


Solutions retenues


La CPJI va considérer que le droit international n'a pas été violé. L'État exerce seul, à l'exclusion de tous, ses fonctions étatiques. La CPJI a donc jugé que l'exclusivité interdit toute action de contrainte d'un État sur le territoire d'un autre État.

On en retient le fameux dictum « les limitations de l'indépendance des États ne se présument pas », c'est-à-dire que tout ce qui n'est pas interdit en droit international est permis. Sur la coutume et le volontarisme des relations internationales : « les règles de droit qui lient les états, sont le fruit de leur volonté, dans des conventions ou dans les usages acceptés généralement comme consacrant des principes du droit ».

C'est aussi dans le cadre de cette affaire que le juge Moore cite, dans son opinion individuelle numéro 7, le principe de compétence universelle appliqué dans les cas de piraterie: « [D]ans le cas de ce qui est connu sous le nom de piraterie du Droit des Gens, il a été concédé une compétence universelle, en vertu de laquelle toute personne inculpée d'avoir commis ce délit peut être jugée et punie par tout pays sous la juridiction duquel elle vient de se trouver [...]. Bien qu'il y ait des législations qui en prévoient la répression, elle est une infraction de droit des gens; et étant donné que le théâtre des opérations du pirate est la haute mer où le droit ou le devoir d'assurer l'ordre public n'appartient à aucun pays, il est traité comme l'individu hors-la-loi, comme l'ennemi du genre humain- hostis humanis generis- que tout pays, dans l'intérêt de tous peut saisir ou punir ».

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14 août 2012

MSC FLAMINIA : L'incendie est éteint, la gite est correcte : Le navire peut entrer dans un port,.....comme tous les autres navires !

MSC FLAMINIA_14072012 (26)La Préfecture maritime a confirmé hier que le MSC Flaminia avait bien corrigé sa gîte et était donc désormais apte à pouvoir entrer dans un port. La société hollandaise Smit, qui déploie toujours trois remorqueurs pour secourir le MSC Flaminia, a par ailleurs annoncé que le feu était désormais maîtrisé à bord.

"Sur les derniers clichés pris par l'avion qui survole quotidiennement le navire, on ne distingue effectivement pratiquement plus de fumées", confirmait encore ce midi la Préfecture maritime Atlantique. Selon les autorités françaises, il manque cependant encore une condition pour qu'un accord soit trouvé : "Nous ne savons toujours pas où l'armateur souhaite diriger son navire, ni ce qu'il veut en faire par la suite. Nous espérons néanmoins une décision qui pourrait intervenir assez rapidement."

Le MSC Flaminia, en difficulté depuis le 14 juillet entre la France et la Grande-Bretagne (incendie à bord, deux marins tués et trois autres blessés, équipage évacué), se trouvait cette nuit à plus de 300 miles nautiques des côtes françaises (plus de 500 km).

"Il s'est éloigné pour échapper à une dépression qui arrive aujourd'hui et devrait durer jusqu'à demain", précise la Préfecture maritime.

L'armateur allemand ne confirme à l'instant qu'une seule information : les conditions météo sont mauvaises, et empêchent d'ailleurs depuis lundi la poursuite des opérations de sauvetage à bord. Pour le reste, l'armateur ne semble évoquer aucune issue rapide. "Les négociations relatives à la permission d'entrer dans une zone abritée du littoral ou d'un port refuge n'ont toujours pas porté leurs fruits".

Ces informations ne font malheureusement que confirmer ce que nous avons écrit : Maintenant que tout va bien et que le risque est quasiment réduit à 0, le navire peut rentrer dans nos eaux et dans un port....comme tous les autres navires. Pas sur que ce soit l'esprit de la règlementation sur les ports refuges. Quant à l'explication selon laquelle l'arrivée du MSC FLAMINIA aurait pu interrompre les jeux olympiques, difficile d'y prêter le moindre crédit, tant celà semble invraisemblable. Ceci étant, plus c'est gros, plus ça passe auprès des foules.




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MSC FLAMINIA : Accueil des navires en détresse dans les eaux de l'Union Européenne : Oui, mais à condition que le navire soit en bon état......

MSC FLAMINIAUn porte conteneurs MSC en feu après une explosion à bord, abandonné par son équipage en plein Atlantique, nous avions là les ingrédients pour une nouvelle histoire à raconter sur notre site. Même si il n'avait rien d'exceptionnel, ce nouveau sinistre illustrait à nouveau que le transport de marchandises par mer peut encore s'avérer dangereux. L'incendie qui a éclaté à bord le 14 juillet dernier dans la cale nº 4 du navre , et a causé la mort de deux marins, et blessé trois autres, a été suivi de deux explosions les jours suivants dans les cales 5 et 6. Après quelques heures de flottement (normal en de pareils circonstances, et surtout lorsque l'équipage a abandonné le navire), la situation a été reprise en main par l'armateur (NSD REDEREI) et plusieurs remorqueurs de haute mer ont pu se porter au secours du navire et engager la lutte contre l'incendie qui continuait de dévorer le navire.

Passé quelques jours, le feu était circonscrit et maîtrisé (pas éteint) et des membre de l'équipe de sauvetage ont pu se rendre à bord, notamment pour remettre en fonctionnement les équipements anti-incendie.

Notre première réflexion était alors de dire que ce dossier était terminé avant même d'avoir vraiment commencé que nous n'aurions alors plus rien à nous mettre sous la dent.

Pourtant, très rapidement, quelque chose est apparu comme ne tournant finalement pas très rond. Comme souvent, le lièvre fut assez rapidement soulevé par Mikhail Voytenko, du site odin.tc. Suivant la trajectoire du navire lorsque la position du navire était disponible, scrutant (comme nous), les communiqués de presse de NSB REDEREI (aux contenux assez peu explicitex sur le devenir du navire), il est devenu rapidement évident qu'un problème important empêchait le navire de poursuivre sa route et de rejoindre un port.

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20 juillet 2012

Incendie du MSC FLAMINIA

Summary : On the 14 July 2012, while enroute from Charleston to Antwerp, the container ship MSC FLAMINIA suffered an fire on board (in containers). Despite the efforts of the crew, an explosion occured, which caused a udge fire. The crew of NSB Niederelbe's 6,732-teu MSC Flaminia (built 2001) have abandoned ship with four of the 25 seafarers reported to have suffered injuries and one missing. A rescue team attend the vessel (SMIT SALVAGE). After many efforts, vessel was salvaged and attended the port of Wilhelmshaven (Germany). Many questions are still pending, particularely regarding the application of the EU Directive about "port refuge".


Vessel & Interveners 


3 - Call Sign DHZR 4 - MMSI 211378120
5 - Tonnage Brut 75590 7 - DWT 85823
8 - Type de navire Container Ship 9 - Status of Ship Casualty
9 - Flag Germany 9- Year of build 2001
10 - Propriétaire déclaré MSC FLAMINIA 10-1 Address

Care of NSB Niederelbe


mbh & Co KG, Harburger

Strasse 47-51, 21614 Buxtehude


11 - Ship Manager


11-1 Address


Harburger Strasse 47-51

21614 Buxtehude



12 - ISM Manager




12 -1 Address



Harburger Strasse 47-51

21614 Buxtehude



13 - Classification Society


 Germanisher Lloyd

14 - P&I

 Swedish Club


15- Hull Insurers


 Swedish Club (as leader)

16 - Salvors

 Smit Salvage



Location of the casualty










Buxtehude, September 11 2012

After successfully concluding the salvage of MSC FLAMINIA, SMIT Salvage handed over the vessel to Reederei NSB in Wilhelmshaven on Monday. Reederei NSB would like to express its acknowledgement and gratitude towards the salvage captains and their crews as well as towards the owners of the salvage tugboats FAIRMOUNT EXPEDITION (Fairmount Marine), ANGLIAN SOVEREIGN (L. P. Knight) und CARLO MAGNO (Augustea S.A.) for their professional work under the given circumstances.

The costs for the salvage of MSC FLAMINIA, the disposal of her cargo and the extinguishing water as well as for the ensuing repair of the vessel can currently not be estimated. They will, however, be defrayed by the insurances as part of the general average which has been declared.

After a further inspection by the Fact Finding Team of the GCCME on Monday, the surveyors of TUIS (Transport-Accident-Information- and Emergency-Response System) confirmed that MSC FLAMINIA does not present an imminent chemical danger.

On Tuesday, Police, state attorneys and BSU (Federal Bureau of Maritime Casualty Investigation) will initiate their investigations onboard of MSC FLAMINIA. The search for the missing seafarer and preliminary investigations into the cause of the fire are the main priorities at this stage. Subsequently during this week, a team of experts for forensic investigations into causes of fires will inspect MSC FLAMINIA on behalf of Reederei NSB.

Reederei NSB currently awaits the approval of the authorities to start the unloading and cleanup of MSC FLAMINIA. The restoration of onboard systems and the superstructure will then also be initiated.


Buxtehude, September 09 2012

MSC FLAMINIA and its accompanying vessels have arrived safely today at 05.30 P.M. at Jade Weser Port in Wilhelmshaven. The arrival at the port was without any exceptional occurrences.

On Saturday, MSC FLAMINIA had reached its anchorage area off of Heligoland. There, the vessel was again inspected. During this inspection it was confirmed that a secure and hazard-free continuation of its voyage to Wilhelmshaven was possible. MSC FLAMINIA left the anchorage area around 08.30 A.M. towards Jade Weser Port.

The search for the still missing crewmember and the investigations into the cause of the fire will commence as soon as possible. These investigations will approximately last for one week. Afterwards, the unloading of the vessel can be started.


Buxtehude, September 07 2012

MSC FLAMINIA and its accompanying group of tugs will reach the anchoring area off Heligoland on Saturday. There, the Fact Finding Team of the German Central Commando for Maritime Emergencies will go onboard and conduct an additional inspection. Depending on the result of this inspection, the vessel will then go alongside the pier of Jade-Weser-Port in Wilhelmshaven on Sunday.

There, Reederei NSB and the GCCME will immediately commence the search for the missing seafarer. The investigation into the cause of the fire and any further assessment of the status of MSC FLAMINIA will take several days until the next steps can be initiated.


Buxtehude, September 05 2012

The passage of MSC FLAMINIA and its accompanying group of tugs through the English Channel continues. The vessel is expected to pass the border between French and Belgian territorial waters tonight. The transfer is proceeding without any exceptional events.

The pictures published together with this update were taken shortly before the commencement of the passage through the English Channel. They show MSC FLAMINIA with the towing gear connecting it to FAIRMOUNT EXPEDITION (Fairmount Marine). Additionally, it is apparent that there is no smoke generation.

The vessel is expected in German territorial waters this weekend.


Buxtehude, September 02 2012

MSC FLAMINIA and her accompanying tug boats have left her holding position 20 miles south of Lands End and is now being towed to German territorial waters. At 12.30 lt (UTC + 1 hr) tow connection had been handed over from CARLO MAGNO to FAIRMOUNT EXPEDITION. They will reach their first waypoint at 13.45 lt.

The passage of the English Channel is expected to take five days.


Buxtehude, September 01 2012

MSC FLAMINIA on Sunday on her way to German territorial waters

MSC FLAMINIA and her accompanying tug boats are expected to start passage of English Channel on Sunday. Passage will take approximately five days.

After all fires had been extinguished on board the MSC FLAMINIA by the salvage company Smit Salvage and after the stability and floatabilty as well as the solidity of the hull of MSC FLAMINIA had been confirmed once more by classification society GL Germanischer Lloyd, all involved coastal states of the English Channel (Great Britain, France, Belgium and the Netherlands) had granted permission for the passage on Friday respectively on Saturday. At the moment the firefighting tugs FAIRMOUNT EXPEDITION (Fairmount Marine), ANGLIAN SOVEREIGN (L. P. Knight) and CARLO MAGNO (Augustea S.A.) are being prepared for the passage, which is expected to start on Sunday.

On site represantatives of Reederei NSB in cooperation with the salvage company and the Central Command for Maritime Emergencies Germany (Havariekommando) have re-established the stearing gear and energy supply on board the MSC FLAMINIA. Superstructure of the vessel is intact and usable. Precautionary measures for a safe passage have been taken jointly. Engineers of managing owners NSB and the salvage company will be on board the MSC FLAMINIA during the passage of the English Channel in order to ensure a fire watch and the operational readiness of the fire extinguishing device of the vessel at any time.

In close cooperation of all involved parties the MSC FLAMINIA will be towed to German territorial waters considering all safety aspects and observing maximum possible preventive measures.


Buxtehude, August 31 2012

After evaluating the results of the team of experts, who had analyzed the condition of MSC FLAMINIA, the passage of the vessel through the English Channel is unobjectionable from a safety-related perspective. Currently, final permissions from some littoral states are still pending. These permissions are expected in the next few days.

Until these permissions are granted, the salvage company SMIT will take the necessary preparations to ensure a safe passage through the English Channel.

The result of the experts is further confirmed by a report from Germanischer Lloyd which is based on the most current data from August 30, 2012. According to this report, stability and firmness of MSC FLAMINIA are not compromised and it is safe to tow the vessel.

The situation onboard has further improved. Most recent measuring shows that temperatures in cargo hold 7 are at merely 60° Celsius. The salvage team members are not required to employ any specialized PPE while working onboard of MSC FLAMINIA.

The situation of the cargo and especially the dangerous goods is carefully analyzed and monitored by experts of the German Central Command for Maritime Emergencies and Reederei NSB. The prevention of harm to the population and the environment is the top priority during all further stages of the salvage.


Buxtehude, August 28 2012

After adverse weather conditions on Monday prevented the boarding the MSC FLAMINIA, two teams of experts were able to take this action today. One team consists of international experts while another has been sent by the German Central Command for Maritime Emergencies. The results of the inspection are expected in the coming days. After a positive result it is still planned to tow MSC FLAMINIA through the English Channel towards German waters. There, the ship will be anchoring before it is transferred to Jade-Weser-Port in Wilhelmshaven.

Like during the last weeks already, the contracted salvage experts of SMIT Salvage have again boarded the ship today, too. Since assuming responsibility for the salvage operation in mid-July, they have taken every opportunity to evaluate the situation on site and actively engage in firefighting and salvage operations. Their additional inspection revealed that the final container in cargo hold 3 with a hot spot was successfully extinguished by SMIT. The temperature within the cargo hold matches the ambient temperature. In cargo hold 7, ten containers were declared to be extinguished. Currently, higher temperatures are measured only in four more containers. Overall, significant progress has been made in the containment of the fire.


Buxtehude, August 24 2012

This afternoon, MSC FLAMINIA and its accompanying tug boats FAIRMOUNT EXPEDITION (Fairmount Marine) and ANGLIAN SOVEREIGN (L.P. Knight) have arrived on the southwestern coast of the UK. The planned safety inspection will be conducted as soon as weather conditions make possible a secure transfer of the experts onboard the vessel. So far, the transfer was not possible due to adverse weather.

Already on August 23, 2012, an oil monitoring airplane of the German Central Command for Maritime Emergencies has overflown MSC FLAMINIA. During this flyover it could be confirmed that no liquids are leaking out of the vessel.

The German Central Command for Maritime Emergencies and Reederei NSB continue to intensively work together to coordinate any further processes regarding MSC FLAMINIA's salvage. For any decision, reports and assessments of international firefighting and dangerous goods experts, specialists for maritime salvaging, engineers and ship builders are taken into consideration. Results of the fact-finding team with respect to stabillity of the vessel and hotspots in cargo holds 3 and 7 remain to be seen.


Buxtehude, August 23 2012

Condition of MSC FLAMINIA and dangerous goods onboard containerships

On Friday, respectively Saturday, a safety inspection by two teams of experts and an additional stability analysis conducted by Germanischer Lloyd, will assess the condition of MSC FLAMINIA. Based on the results of this inspection, a decision about the permission to pass the English Channel, one of the most frequented see lanes in the world, will be made.

Following the fire and subsequent explosion on July 14, 2012, MSC FLAMINIA is showing damages to her cargo holds. According to calculations of the GL so far, the condition of the ship is stable. The hull, superstructure, engine room as well as the stern section and the forecastle of MSC FLAMINIA are intact. No leakages can be detected and the ballast water tanks, into which parts of contaminated extinguishing water have been pumped, are not leaking. The cargo – including dangerous goods containers – is in a state which allows the passage through the English Channel and her transfer to coastal areas and eventually an emergency port. Such dangerous goods containers are transported regularly on containerships and off-loaded in ports. Radioactive materials are not onboard MSC FLAMINIA. At NSB, dangerous goods of classification no. 7 are excluded from the charter parties. Detailed stowage and loading plans have been presented to the salvage company and all involved authorities since the beginning of salvage measures in mid-July. The German Central Command for Maritime Emergencies, which is leading the salvage effort, also has access to these documents.

„Dangerous goods are carried on all modern containerships", Helmut Ponath, CEO of Reederei NSB explains. "Our ships carry up to 11.000 TEU and it is a normal that dangerous goods, for example chemicals for the German industry, are among them. Everyone should be aware of that."

With the expected local conditions in the English Channel and the North Sea MSC FLAMINIA is capable to be afloat. Given the numerous precautions taken by the experts of the German Central Command for Maritime Emergencies damages to the environment can be excluded. For the German Central Command for Maritime Emergencies and Reederei NSB, the protection of the environment is central to all further salvage efforts.


Buxtehude, August 23 2012

MSC FLAMINIA and its accompanying tug boats FAIRMOUNT EXPEDITION (Fairmount Marine) and ANGLIAN SOVEREIGN (L.P. Knight) is currently moving towards British territorial waters. On Friday, the group is expected 40 nm south of Land's End, the western tip of the UK. Once there, a team of experts consisting of dangerous goods specialists, chemists and salvage experts will conduct a safety inspection onboard the vessel. Together with experts from the UK, France and the Netherlands the condition of the vessel and its cargo will be reviewed to ensure a safe passage through the English Channel.

In consultation with the German Central Command for Maritime Emergencies, MSC FLAMINIA will be towed to deep water anchorage in the German Bight, approximately 12 nm west of Heligoland. After completion of all planned tasks there, the vessel will then be towed to the port of Wilhelmshaven.


Buxtehude, August 21 2012

MSC FLAMINIA will be towed to sheltered anchorage in the North Sea

Under the coordination of the German Central Command for Maritime Emergencies, MSC FLAMINIA will be towed to sheltered anchorage in German waters. Subsequently, the vessel will be transferred to a port. While anchoring, experts (firefighters, chemists and engineers) will determine which hazards might emanate from the vessel and its cargo. Only afterwards a decision to which port the vessel will be towed, can be made.

A first observation of vessel and cargo will be conducted by British, Dutch and French experts on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency once MSC FLAMINIA approaches the vicinity of the English Channel on the coming weekend.

"We are glad that after the assignment to the Central Command for Maritime Emergencies, the salvage of our MSC FLAMINIA is finally proceeding. To us this indicates that our company's philosophy is right and the German flag pays off", Helmut Ponath, CEO of Reederei NSB, said on a joint press conference in Bremerhaven.

MSC FLAMINIA and its accompanying group of tugs are currently located approximately 350 nautical miles off the entrance to the English Channel. MSC FLAMINIA is expected to reach a so-called sheltered area in German territorial waters in the week after the next. The German Central Command for Maritime Emergencies estimates that the complete salvage operation will take up to two months.

During the fire and subsequent explosion on July 14, 2012, which occurred during MSC FLAMINIA's passage from Charleston/USA to Bremerhaven (via Antwerp and Felixstowe), one seafarer had died and one is still missing. A third seafarer remains in critical condition and is treated in a specialty hospital for burn wounds. The crew had abandoned the burning vessel and was rescued by an oil tanker.


Buxtehude, August 20 2012

MSC FLAMINIA to enter German waters - Press conference on August 21, 2012

More than five weeks after the fire and the explosion onboard MSC FLAMINIA, a permission to enter German waters could be obtained in cooperation with the German Ministry of Transportation. This noon, the vessel has been assigned to the German Central Command for Maritime Emergencies in Cuxhaven for further coordination. (www.havariekommando.de)

Further details will be presented at a joint press conference of the Central Command for Maritime Emergencies and Reederei NSB. The press conference is scheduled for August 21, 2012, at 11.00 a.m., in Atlantic Hotel Sail City in Bremerhaven.

MSC FLAMINIA is currently situated approximately 450 nautical miles off the British coast. The vessel and its accompanying group of tugs are again approaching British territorial waters with the aim of a safety inspection upon arrival.

During the fire and subsequent explosion on July 14, 2012, which occurred during MSC FLAMINIA's passage from Charleston/USA to Bremerhaven, one seafarer had died and one is still missing. A third seafarer remains in critical condition and is treated in a specialty hospital for burn wounds. The crew had abandoned the burning vessel and was rescued by an oil tanker.

Press contact Reederei NSB

Bettina Wiebe

+49 (0)4161 – 64 51 12


Press contact

Central Command for Maritime Emergencies

Dr. Ulrike Windhövel

+49 (0)4721 – 56 71 70


Press conference

Atlantic Hotel Sail City

Am Strom 1

27568 Bremerhaven

Buxtehude, August 15 2012

There is still no permission for MSC FLAMINIA to enter a sheltered area or a subsequent emergency port. Reederei NSB and the salvage company both remain in contact with all littoral states to acquire this permission.

At the same time, MSC FLAMINIA and its accompanying group of tugs have taken a position over 400 nautical miles west of the entrance of The English Channel to avoid bad weather and the expected swell. Since the coming days are projected to bring deteriorating weather conditions, the group has set a northwesterly course to an area where less swell is expected. Its speed is 4.5 knots.

A significant impairment of the stability of MSC FLAMINIA due the expected wave height cannot be excluded and is observed apprehensively.

In the meantime, Reederei NSB has declared general average for the vessel.


Buxtehude, August 14 2012

Due to the inconsistent weather conditions salvage operations onboard MSC FLAMINIA can not be conducted continuously at the moment. The position of MSC FLAMINIA remains unchanged and the vessel is listing at 2.5 degrees.

Negotiations regarding the permission to enter a sheltered coastal area or an emergency port are still without any result.

The image accompanying this statement, dated from the morning of August 13 2012, shows the damage to cargo holds 4, 5 and 6 as well as to the hull of MSC FLAMINIA. In addition, smoke emission in cargo hold 7 is discernable.


Buxtehude, August 13 2012

As weather conditions remained stable, firefighting experts onboard of MSC FLAMINIA continued to extinguish individual containers until yesterday evening. Currently, weather conditions worsened, forcing the suspension of the operations until the weather improves again.

During the past days the salvage team was able to stabilize the vessel by pumping water from the cargo holds into the ballast water tanks. By now, MSC FLAMINIA is listing by just 2.5 degrees. With this list, the vessel is stabilized to the extent that the entry into an emergency port is possible.

MSC FLAMINIA and its accompanying group of tugs are currently holding a waiting position approximately 240 nautical miles off the coast of the UK.

Despite ongoing talks with all involved authorities, a permission to enter a sheltered coastal area or an emergency port has not been granted yet.


Buxtehude, August 09 2012

The fire onboard MSC FLAMINIA remains under control. Individual hotspots still have to be fought. Thanks to stable weather conditions, salvage and firefighting operations can be continued. The vessel is listing by 10 degrees.

Since a permission to enter a coastal area is unfortunately still not granted, the position of MSC FLAMINIA remains unchanged. Without such a permission, which can only be given by European coastal states, the salvage of the vessel is not possible and the success of the operation is compromised. Helmut Ponath, CEO of Reederei NSB comments: "I consider it shocking that in this situation a ship under German flag does not receive a permission from the European countries to call at a port."

Currently, intense negotiations are conducted with all littoral states. NSB also remains in constant contact with German authorities in order to make use of all possibilities for continuing the salvage operation.


Buxtehude, August 06 2012

Thanks to improving weather conditions, a team of firefighting experts is able to board MSC FLAMINIA and continue the salvaging efforts today. Boarding had not been possible since July 30 2012. The current measures aim at inspecting areas which had not been accessible so far. Also, data is being collected to calculate and assess the stability of the vessel.

Smoke emission in cargo hold 7 has declined significantly. Temperatures in this area are also dropping again. Currently, no cooling by the accompanying tugboats is necessary. MSC FLAMINIA is still listing by approximately 10 degrees.

A decision to enter a sheltered coastal area has still not yet been made.


Buxtehude, August 03 2012

Situation on board the MSC FLAMINIA is unchanged. The team of firefighting experts has been unable to board the vessel since July 30th, 2012 due to bad weather conditions. A change of weather situation is predicted for Sunday this week.

A detailed statement regarding the condition of cargo hold 7 is only to be made when the salvage team can board the MSC FLAMINIA again. Temperatures are monitored continously in this area in order to carry on with boundary cooling. MSC FLAMINIA is still listing by approximately 10 degrees. Her waiting position is approximately 360 nautical miles off the British coast.

A decision to enter a sheltered coastal area has not yet been made but is expected in the coming days.


Buxtehude, July 31 2012

Since yesterday evening the team of firefighting experts is unable to go onboard MSC FLAMINIA due to bad weather conditions. In the coming days a further deterioration of the weather is predicted. Therefore, MSC FLAMINIA and the group of tugboats have pulled out of the 200 mile zone and maintain a position approximately 200 miles off the British coast.

According to the salvage team on site the fire in cargo holds 4, 5 and 6 has been extinguished. However, smoke is visible above cargo hold 7 and the temperatures in this area are rising. MSC FLAMINIA is still listing by 10 degrees.

A decision to enter a sheltered coastal area has not yet been made but is expected in the coming days.


Buxtehude, July 29 2012

MSC FLAMINIA and the accompanying group of tugboats have assumed a waiting position approximately 100 nautical miles off the British coast. While the team of firefighting experts is onboard MSC FLAMINIA, the vessel is not towed.

Today, a team of firefighting experts has again boarded MSC FLAMINIA. It is yet unsure when a one-by-one inspection of containers can commence. This inspection aims at eliminating any smoldering fires inside of containers. Firefighting and shipbuilding experts on site are among other things assessing the stability of the vessel.

Overall, the situation onboard MSC FLAMINIA continues to improve. According to firefighting experts, almost no smoke generation can be observed from cargo holds 4 and 5. Nevertheless, hotspots inside of individual containers should still be reckoned with.

A permission to enter a sheltered coastal area will be decided upon by authorities in the coming days.

Once the vessel has arrived at a so-called "sheltered area", a secure sea area close to the shore, further, more thorough investigations can be continued.


Buxtehude, July 26 2012


MSC FLAMINIA and its accompanying group of tugs is currently located 170 nautical miles off the coast of the UK and progresses at a speed of four knots. Due to damaged cargo and extinguishing water, the vessel is listing by 11 degrees.

After the prevailing fog of the last days lifted, a team of firefighting experts was able to board MSC FLAMINIA yesterday. However, a closer inspection of the cargo holds was not possible due to the ongoing generation of heat. The ship's own firefighting system was switched off.

Overall, the situation onboard MSC FLAMINIA has improved. The emission of smoke from cargo holds 4 and 5 has declined significantly. Nevertheless, hotspots inside of individual containers should still be reckoned with.

Today a team of firefighting experts will again go onboard MSC FLAMINIA. It is yet unsure when a one-by-one inspection of containers can commence. This inspection aims at eliminating any smouldering fires inside of containers.

A permission to enter a sheltered coastal area will be decided upon by British authorities in the coming days.


Buxtehude, July 24 2012


According to salvage experts on site, the fire onboard MSC FLAMINIA is under control since yesterday afternoon. The tugboat ANGLIAN SOVEREIGN is constantly monitoring temperatures onboard the vessel via a laser thermometer and is ready to resume cooling if necessary.

Due to thick fog the salvage team is currently unable to board MSC FLAMINIA. As soon as visibility improves, a salvage team will go onboard to check each container individually and extinguish any discovered fires. Only after this procedure MSC FLAMINIA will receive the permission to make a port call. It is currently not concluded which port the vessel will call next as this is still under review.

MSC FLAMINIA is still towed by FAIRMOUNT EXPEDITION, with ANGLIAN SOVEREIGN und CARLO MAGNO on standby. The group sails at a speed of 5kn towards Europe and is currently situated 320 nautical miles off the coast of the UK.

The vessel still lists by approximately 10 degrees due to damaged cargo and extinguishing water.


Buxtehude, July 23 2012


On Friday evening, firefighting tugboat FAIRMOUNT EXPEDITION (Fairmount Marine) has begun to tow MSC FLAMINIA toward Europe. Simultaneously, firefighting tugboat ANGLIAN SOVEREIGN (L.P. Knight) continues to cool the fire. The tugboat CARLO MAGNO (Augustea S.A.) accompanies the group on standby.

MSC FLAMINIA's own firefighting system is especially cooling the area in front of the superstructure.

Due to the extinguishing water and damaged cargo, MSC FLAMINIA is listing by 10 degrees.



Buxtehude, July 20 2012

As the firefighting operations at MSC FLAMINIA continue, the second firefighting tugboat ANGLIAN SOVEREIGN arrived this morning at the site of the incident. The third, CARLO MAGNO, is expected on site Saturday noon.

After the arrival of the second firefighting tugboat, a party of four salvage specialists has boarded MSC FLAMINIA. The team was able to reactivate the ship's own fire fighting system. It is now additionally supporting the firefighting operations of both tugboats.

Due to damaged cargo and extinguishing water the ship is listing by 8.5 degrees.

The extent of the damage onboard our MSC FLAMINIA is considerable. Cargo holds 4 - where the fire originated from -, 5 and 6 are demolished. According to salvage specialists cargo hold 7, which is located adjacent to the superstructure, is not on fire. The superstructure itself, the engine room as well as bow and stern – including the steering gear – are all not affected by the fire.


Buxtehude, July 19 2012 ( II )

Firefighting operations at the MSC FLAMINIA were resumed yesterday afternoon. Thanks to continuous cooling a further expansion of the fire could be prevented. It can be observed that superstructure, engine room, the stern section and the forecastle of the ship have all not been affected by the second explosion. According to the salvage captain the hull of the vessel is intact. Due to damaged cargo and extinguishing water a list of approximately 8-10 degrees has occurred. The second tugboat ANGLIAN SOVEREIGN is expected this evening. The third tugboat will reach the site of the incident on Saturday at noon. Salvage experts currently plan to board MSC FLAMINIA via the deployed emergency ladder and reactivate the firefighting systems. Experts estimate that the firefighting operations could take some weeks. Afterwards, MSC FLAMINIA is supposed to be towed to Europe for repairs.



Buxtehude, July 19 2012

18 crew and two passengers from the containership MSC FLAMINIA arrived safely at Falmouth/UK, onboard the oil tanker DS DRWON late yesterday evening. They were rescued after a fire had broken out onboard MSC FLAMINIA on July 14, 2012.

Crew and passengers were received by a team of Reederei NSB. They are unharmed and well given the circumstances. On completing all formalities and receiving aid and support during a rest period, they will spend the night at a hotel. They will begin repatriation, with the aim of rejoining their families as soon as possible.

Reederei NSB would like to thank the captain and crew of DS CROWN for the rescue and provision of aid to the crew and passengers of MSC FLAMINIA. During this dramatic rescue, they have shown extraordinary dedication and proven their excellent nautical skills.


Buxtehude, July 18 2012

The firefighting operations at MSC FLAMINIA, which had been started yesterday at 11.00 am lt, had to be aborted again during the last night, after a second explosion erupted in bay 47 of the vessel. To ensure the safety of the crew of the firefighting tugboat and of our second engineer onboard, the vessel had to assume a stand by position approximately one nautical mile off of the MSC FLAMINIA.

After the evaluation of the situation on site by our experts, the danger of continuing the firefighting operations was too high due to dangerous goods which are onboard.

A team of firefighting experts and the emergency team of NSB are checking the further proceedings. The tugboat is supposed to resume the firefighting operations soon.

The second firefighting tugboat ANGLIAN SOVEREIGN is expected to arrive on the site of the incident at midnight lt on July 19. In addition, a third tugboat was ordered to the site. Tugboat CARLO MAGNO is now on her way from Rotterdam to our MSC FLAMINIA. It is currently planned to hold MSC FLAMINIA's position with one tugboat while the two others proceed with the firefighting operations.

We will inform at this place as soon as new information becomes available.


Buxtehude, July 17 2012 (II)

The firefighting tugboat FAIRMOUNT EXPEDITION reached our MSC FLAMINIA today at 11.00 am. She arrived after our MS HANJIN OTTAWA had already reached the site of the incident in the early morning hours. Fire fighting operations were commenced immediately.

In addition to the fire fighting measures, HANJIN OTTAWA's second engineer was transferred to the tugboat. He will remain at the site to support the salvage team with his technical expertise and to accompany the ship's transport back to Europe. Our second engineer is tasked with reactivating the fire fighting systems on board MSC FLAMINIA to support the operations. With this action, the search for our still missing crewmember should resume as soon as possible. Meanwhile, HANJIN OTTAWA has continued her original voyage to the Suez Canal.

While continuing the fire fighting operations, the salvage captain is expected to give an initial assessment of the situation and condition of MSC FLAMINIA.

Referring to the pictures transmitted by HANJIN OTTAWA, the damage to the ship and its cargo cannot ultimately be estimated. It becomes clear, however, that neither superstructure, engine room, the stern section nor the forecastle of the ship are directly affected by the fire or the explosion.


Buxtehude, July 17, 2012

Thanks to the good medical care provided by Portuguese hospitals, we are relieved to report that our seafarers, which were injured during the incident onboard MSC FLAMINIA, are recovering well. Our heavily injured crewmember, who was transferred to a specialty hospital for burn wounds on Monday, made the transport well. The two crewmembers who are still being treated on the Azores will most probably be released at the end of this week to be repatriated.

On behalf of all employees, the management board of NSB would like to express again its condolences and its grief. "This tragedy onboard MSC FLAMINIA has deeply afflicted me. Our thoughts are with the families of the deceased and the missing sailor as well as with the recued and their families. We are in constant and close contact with the relatives of all our crewmembers and passengers", said Helmut Ponath, CEO of Reederei NSB.

The crewmembers that were rescued by DS CROWN are still on their way to Falmouth/UK. They are expected to arrive in the night between Wednesday and Thursday.

Our MS HANJIN OTTAWA has arrived on the site of the incident this morning. So far, the scale of the damage of MSC FLAMINIA could not be assessed due to the still prevalent darkness. MS HANJIN OTTAWA awaits the arrival of the tugboats FAIRMOUNT EXPEDITION and ANGLIAN SOVEREIGN and monitors the situation from a safe distance.

We will inform at this place as soon as new information becomes available. For further technical details about MSC FLAMINIA please scroll down.


Buxtehude, July 16, 2012

After the incident onboard MSC FLAMINIA on July 14, 2012, three injured seafarers were transferred to MSC STELLA and subsequently taken off by helicopter and flown to a hospital on the Azores. The latest report on their condition states that two are in stable condition and have been transferred to a general ward. The third man, however, has been transferred to a speciality hospital in mainland Portugal.

The remaining 18 crew members, together with two passengers, are onboard the oil tanker DS CROWN which is expected to arrive at the UK port of Falmouth during the evening of Wednesday, July 18. They will then be repatriated, to rejoin their families.

SMIT Salvage of Rotterdam, one of the world's leading marine salvors, is responding to the MSC FLAMINIA. Two large firefighting tugs have been despatched. The first, FAIRMOUNT EXPEDITION, will arrive in the area during the early evening of tomorrow, Tuesday, July 17. The second, ANGLIAN SOVEREIGN, will leave Inverness, Scotland, today (Monday, July 16) and is expected to arrive during late Thursday or early Friday. Additionally, a second ship of NSB's fleet has deviated to approach the site of the incident to support the salvage operations. Until the arrival of the salvage vessels, the cause of the incident and the condition of MSC FLAMINIA remains unresolved.

NSB is grateful for the efficient emergency response coordination provided by Falmouth Coastguard and the assistance provided by vessels which diverted to attend MSC FLAMINIA.

Further technical details about MSC FLAMINIA please scroll down.


Buxtehude, July 15, 2012

We regret to inform the public that one of our rescued seafarers of MSC FLAMINIA has passed away as a result of his wounds. A second seafarer is still missing.

Three injured crewmembers of MSC FLAMINIA were transferred already on July 14 to the vessel MSC STELLA which then proceeded to the Azores. An oncoming helicopter took over the injured personnel and flew them to a hospital on the Azores. One of the three injured persons remains in emergency care.

The remaining crewmembers are onboard the oil tanker DS CROWN and are on their way to Falmouth/UK.

An emergency team of Reederei NSB remains in close contact with the rescued crew as well as with their relatives.

Two fire-fighting tugboats are currently on their way to MSC FLAMINIA. At this moment, the cause of the fire is completely unresolved. NSB's emergency team is working together with all involved authorities to investigate the incident.

Currently, we do not have any new findings about the condition of the MSC FLAMINIA. An estimate of damages will only be possible after the arrival of the fire-fighting tugboats on scene on late Tuesday evening.

The priority of the emergency team of NSB at this moment is to care for best medical treatment for our injured crewmembers and for a safe return of the remaining personnel to their home countries.


Buxtehude, July 14, 2012

On July 14, 2012, a fire broke out onboard MSC Flaminia's cargo hatch no. 4. The ship was crossing the Atlantic Ocean on its way from America to Europe. While the crew was attempting to extinguish the fire, an explosion occurred.

The crew of MSC Flaminia is comprised of 23 men (five Germans, three Poles and 15 Philippine employees) and two passengers.

Nearby DS Crown was able to rescue 22 crew as well as the two passengers and has accommodated all persons.

One crew member is missing. Four crew members are injured, the rest of the crew as well as the passengers are unharmed.

Reederei NSB has immediately installed an emergency team and is in contact with the captain of DS Crown and MSC Flaminia, the UK Coast Guard, MRCC UK as well as Medico Cuxhaven.

MSC Stella, which is two hours apart, is on its way to the scene of the emergency. It will take over the injured seafarers.

We will share new information as soon as it is available at this place.






1 - Hull & Machinery

USD 40 millions (sound value)

2 - Cargo USD 50 millions (fort the 1000 damaged containers)
3 - Salvage USD 0 4 - Costs USD 



Liabilty Limits


1- LLMC 1976 DTS XX 2 -LLMC 1996 DTS XX
5 - PAL 1974 DTS XXX 6 - PAL PROT 2000 DTS XXX
7 - BUNKER 2001 SANS OBJET    


Cause of the casualty


Under investigation


Sources - Links - Reports











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21 mai 2012

COSTA CONCORDIA : Le plan de renflouement dévoilé ; Il coûtera au minimum 235 millions d'Euros

L'épave à moitié-submergée du paquebot de croisière "Costa Concordia" subira le plus important renflouement jamais effectué, selon un plan rendu public vendredi par l'armateur du navire et les entreprises choisies pour mener l'opération.

Le paquebot de croisière de 290 mètres de long avait chaviré le 13 janvier au large de l'île toscane du Giglio après avoir heurté des récifs. Une trentaine de personnes sont mortes, deux étant toujours portées disparues.

Costa Croisières, qui appartient au groupe Carnival Corp, a annoncé au cours d'une conférence de presse que le renflouement commencerait dans les jours qui viennent et durerait environ un an, pour un coût d'au moins 300 millions de dollars (235 millions d'euros).

Egalement présents, des représentants de l'américain Titan Salvage et de l'italien Micoperi, les deux entreprises sélectionnées pour mener le renflouement, se sont dit confiants quant au succès du plan.

"Ce sera le plus important renflouement de toute l'Histoire, mais nous pensons que c'est entièrement possible", a déclaré Richard Habib, président de Titan Salvage, qui appartient au groupe américain Crowley Maritime Corp.

Silvio Bartolotti, le directeur de Micoperi, a prédit que l'opération serait totalement bouclée d'ici février 2013.

Le navire sera ensuite remorqué jusqu'à un port italien et détruit. Le port toscan de Livourne pourrait être choisi de façon à indemniser la Toscane en créant des emplois, selon Enrico Rossi, le président de région.

Franco Gabrielli, le chef de la sécurité civile italienne, a annoncé que le navire serait stabilisé d'ici la fin août afin de l'empêcher de dériver dans les eaux profondes de la réserve marine où il se trouve.

Une catastrophe environnementale avait pu être évitée en mars, avec le retrait des eaux de 2.300 tonnes de carburant.

Francesco Schettino, le commandant du "Concordia", est accusé d'homicides involontaires, la justice italienne lui reprochant d'avoir amené le navire trop près des côtes et de l'avoir abandonné avant l'évacuation des 4.200 passagers et membres d'équipage. La Cour de Cassation Italienne vient d'ailleurs de  le juger le 16 mai dernier inapte à commander un paquebot de croisière.

Dans son arrêt, la haute juridiction considère que le capitaine a fait preuve d'une "résistance insuffisante dans l'exercice de ses fonctions de commandement ou dans l'exercice de sa responsabilité à l'égard de la sécurité des personnes sous sa protection".

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9 mai 2012

COSTA CONCORDIA : Quelques nouvelles des procédures en cours....

COSTA CONCORDIA_Grounding_13012012 (74)Après le temps du deuil, celui des indemnisations. Costa Crociere, la compagnie propriétaire du Costa Concordia, dont le naufrage le 13 janvier dernier a coûté la vie à 32 personnes, dont six Français, est aujourd'hui confrontée aux demandes de réparations de ces clients. Mercredi, quatorze naufragés français demanderont au juge des référés de Nanterre d'ordonner une expertise psychologique et le versement d'une provision de 50.000 euros chacun.

Ces 14 rescapés appartiennent à cinq familles françaises qui résident à la Réunion et en métropole. Ils ont refusé l'indemnisation de 11.000 euros proposée par Costa Crociere et réclament la nomination d'un expert pour évaluer leur préjudice psychologique.

En effet, s'ils n'ont pas subi de dommage corporel lors de l'accident, ils ont perdu leurs bagages et estiment important le trouble de stress post-traumatique consécutif au naufrage. "Certains ont essayé de reprendre le travail mais n'y sont pas parvenus. Des enfants font des cauchemars", souligne leur avocate Me Franchitto.

Mercredi dernier (2 mai 2012), l'avocat de la compagnie italienne compte pour sa part plaider l'incompétence du juge administratif de l'urgence des Hauts-de-Seine. "Le contrat de croisière est régi par le droit italien et donc un juge des référés français ne peut pas aller si loin dans le fond d'une affaire en appréciant le contenu d'une loi étrangère", estime Me Simon.

Le juge des référés de Nanterre a renvoyé mercredi au 20 juin l'examen de la demande de quatorze naufragés français du paquebot Concordia, qui réclament une expertise psychologique et une provision de 50.000 euros chacun, pour leur permettre de négocier avec Costa Croisières.

"Nous sommes actuellement en pourparlers avec la société Costa Croisières. Nous verrons si cette négociation aboutit ou n'aboutit pas", a affirmé leur avocate Me Laurie Franchitto à l'issue de l'audience.L'avocat de la compagnie italienne, Me Patrick Simon, n'a quant à lui pas souhaité faire de commentaire.

Le montant des indemnités réclamées est également une pierre d'achoppement entre les deux parties. Costa Crociere considère en effet le montant de la provision réclamée comme étant "hors de proportion". "Nous ne sommes pas aux Etats-Unis où l'on alloue des indemnités astronomiques", argue l'avocat de la compagnie. Pour Me Franchitto, la somme de 50.000 euros est au contraire "tout à fait raisonnable".

Depuis le naufrage quelque 180 familles françaises ont déjà accepté l'indemnisation de 11.000 euros proposée par la compagnie italienne, en échange de l'abandon de toute poursuite pénale ou civile et une vingtaine se sont joints à une class action aux Etats-Unis.

Les 235 restants, qui ont conclu un accord avec Costa Crociere le 17 avril, ont négocié une provision de 8.000 euros chacun, plus 1.000 euros de prise en charge de leurs frais de défense ou d'expertise. La compagnie a versé cette somme le 4 mai, pour un montant global de 2,115 millions, qui permettra à chacune de ces victimes d'être indemnisée à hauteur de 9.000 euros.

Les batailles judiciaires ne font que commencer, d'un coté comme de l'autre de l'Océan Atlantique....

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5 mai 2012

Jurisprudence Ilustrée : La Clause Himalaya ou Adler v. Dickson

SS HIMALAYA_Article_Fortunes-de-Mer_05_Mai_2012 (3)Nous poursuivons notre série de "jurisprudence illustrée" avec un navire à passagers, le SS HIMALAYA et dont le cas donna naissance à la clause Himalaya et qui tire son nom de l'affaire anglaise Adler v Dickson. Mme Adler était un passager sur 'Himalaya', paquebot de la compagnie P & O et qui fût grièvement blessé lorsque la passerelle de débarquement sur laquelle elle avait pris place s'effondra, la projetant sur le quai. Le billet de passage contenait une clause d'exemption de non responsabilité au profit du transporteur P & O. Mme Adler poursuivit donc le capitaine du navire, Dickson, et le maître d'équipage afin d'être indemnisée de son préjudice. La Cour d'appel jugea le capitaine Dickson responsable et accorda des dommages à Mme Adler. La Cour décida cependant qu'il était possible pour P & O pour d'incorporer dans les conditions de vente de ses tickets de passage une clause lui permettant d'étendre à ses employés le bénéfice de sa clause de non responsabilité ; Cependant, ne l'ayant pas fait dans le cas du ticket de passage de Mme Adler, P&O et le capitaine Dickson ne pouvaient s'en prévaloir. Une conséquence de l'affaire «Himalaya» est que les clauses des contrats de transport (que ce soit pour les passagers ou de la cargaison) incluent au bénéfice des préposés du transporteur, les agents et sous-traitants, manutentionnaires, les exeptions ou limitations de responsabilité qui pourraient être avancées par le transporteur. La page consacrée à cette décision est ici.

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